Looking for a permanent resourcing solution for your legal team?

We've got you covered!

We’re excited to announce we are now providing permanent recruitment solutions alongside our flexible secondments.

Our unique position in the market gives us the ability to recruit the top legal talent on a permanent basis and forms part of the overall solution we offer to clients alongside secondments, flexible retainers, legal operations and tech.

We’ll find you the best legal team, whether it’s a secondment or permanent solution.


What you'll get..

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  • The perfect match for your team

  • Access to legal, compliance and paralegal professionals

  • The right type and level of support

  • The best talent in the market

We can help! (285 × 300px) (6).png

Get our support today!

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Karishma Riddell

Managing Director, HK


+852 3511 6217


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Charmaine Chan

Client Solutions Director


+852 3511 6236

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Eleanor Cheung

Head of Recruitment and Resourcing


+852 3511 6235